It is with sadness mixed with gratitude that I share the news of Bob Duggan’s passing recently. Bob inspired me–and continues to inspire me–to make a positive difference by sharing my gifts with the world. My efforts today to complete One Breath at a Time and publish it before the end of the year are in service… Continue reading IOU, Bob Duggan
Category: Uncategorized
Thank you, Frank!
Portfolio page is much improved!
I created this screen capture with Camtasia. It’s a short (2:20) portion of a Storyline Articulate project Shaz Malik and I designed and developed together. This Child Protection in Emergencies training consists of three separate modules; this is from Module 2, Child Protection in Emergencies. To see the rest of the new and improved Portfolio page, click on… Continue reading Portfolio page is much improved!
Transformative learning is the process of upgrading our mental maps.
As I look for my next work engagement, I ask myself: What do I really want to be doing? Again and again, transformative learning pops up. Personal transformation–or transformative learning, as Jack Mezirow calls it– has been a consistent interest threading through my entire life, both personally and professionally. It connects my choice to become… Continue reading Transformative learning is the process of upgrading our mental maps.
I would love to work on a project that involves transformative learning!
Do you employ transformative learning theory in your work? If so, I would love to know how you facilitate it, how you operationalize it. Please let me know if you have relevant information. Thanks!
Moving on, looking forward!
What a surprise it is to be unemployed! As much as I feel tempted to share the distasteful details, I’m not going to. Just suffice it to say the company, without any warning, eliminated all junior instructional designer positions. The good news is that I’m finally making progress on completing my book, titled One Breath… Continue reading Moving on, looking forward!
Instructional Design Portfolio graphic (for UMBC Masters in ISD)
Learner-centric Learning Analytics paper posted!
“Learner-centric Learning Analytics” is online for your edification! To view it now, click on its link under the Wordsmith tab.
Portfolio Upgrade
This portfolio site is currently under (re)construction. Take a look around, but some things may not work perfectly today…
Welcome to my new portfolio site
Welcome to my portfolio. This is where you can see some visual products I have created. These are organized first by primary Category–GRAPHICS, WEB DESIGN, PRESENTATION, PHOTOGRAPHY, INSTRUCTIONAL, ART–and then by additional descriptive Tags–located along the right side. I hope to fulfill two objectives with this portfolio site: first, to provide enjoyment and second, to invite you to contact… Continue reading Welcome to my new portfolio site