Community of interest, community of practice, tribe

This ‘funnel’ graphic depicts increasing levels of engagement and commitment: A) interested in the subject (community of interest); B) committed to its practice (community of practice); C) committed to achieving the group’s objectives (Tribe). This progression of involvement leads the individual from casual observer to fellow practitioner to tribe member. Sadhana Community, my tribe, can help you create an online course–without having to do it all alone. Interested?

By Joseph Roberson

Learning Experience Designer (aka Instructional Designer), Artist, Yoga Teacher, Photographer, Writer, Father. Teaching experience: -Taught more than 5,000 classes and workshops in yoga, breathwork, meditation -Created, managed, and led 10-month Yoga Teacher Training program (Yoga Center of Columbia) -Organize and lead group retreats (Costa Rica; Shepherdstown and Berkeley Springs, WV) -Taught yoga (credit courses) at Community College of Baltimore County (Baltimore, Maryland) -Taught yoga and papermaking at the Maryland Institute, College of Art (Baltimore, Maryland) -"Yoga and Meditation in Art" public lecture, followed by multi-week course, at the Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Maryland) -“Ancient Secrets of Longevity” presentation at Healthy Aging Expo (Howard County, Maryland) -Designed curriculum for new program "Papermaking for Visual Artists" at Chiang Mai University (Thailand)

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